Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tuesday's Eat from the Pantry Experience

Yesterday when I got home from work, I came home to a super picked up and clean house -- especially considering that I had still left it in somewhat of a Christmas mess. Without thinking, I said to my husband, "Maybe I'll bring home Chipotle tomorrow night as a thank you." I tried to get out of it, but I couldn't! Soooooo, dinner was not from the pantry but out of a Chipotle bag. We'll make the orange juice chicken pencilled in for tonight's dinner for dinner tomorrow night instead.

My husband's lunch are always a particular challenge for me. They have to be breakfast AND lunch, not need to be heated or refrigerated, not be too crunchy for the crown on his front tooth, and not need require more than one hand. See my problem??? Pretty much all of his lunches are "pantry challenges!" Since I try to otherwise feed us a good variety of whole foods, it can be a little hard for me to keep a decent stock of lunch-worth food. I got lucky this time around in that we still had some Christmas foods around that would work for his lunch. Tomorrow he'll have two mini bagels with cream cheese, a Honeybaked ham and cheese sandwich, cashews, an orange, raspberry applesauce and a few piece of Andes toffee candy. He usually buys a drink on the road with his own spending money unless I have something I can send him easily. It's his special splurge, but I do keep thinking I should get some money from him in advance and buy him a case of some sort of bottled drinks. I am pretty on top of things, but that is one thing I can just never manage to think about ahead of time.

1 comment:

  1. I do LOVE some Chipotle! Very hard to resist! I can totally see the challenge of those lunch requirements.

    My hubby has become very fond of a small can of tuna with lemon pepper mixed in. On a sandwich or crackers pleases him just fine!



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