Thursday, July 21, 2011

Poor Man's Mocha

Since my husband's layoff, he's been suffering from Starbucks withdrawal. He's not a complete addict, but he sure loves Starbucks as an all too frequent special treat with his own spending money. Since there isn't any spending money in our new (hopefully short term) budget, I helped him come up with a Starbucks replacement. I saw this recipe on Hungry Girl and adapted it in to a slightly more frugal version with items we already had around the house. He thinks it's a win, so it must be good!


12 oz milk
1 tablespoon of instant coffee
1 teaspoon cocoa powder
2 teaspoons of chocolate malt powder
Sugar to taste (I used vanilla.)

Dissolve powders in 1 oz of hot water. Stir or shake with milk and serve over ice. (I didn't have any, so we shook it in an iced stainless steel drink shaker.)


  1. I have been making these for years! I normally use a little more of the powders, and water, with a dash of milk- milk is expensive! I have never used chocolate malt powered- just instant hot chocolate. When on the go I just take 1 packet of coco and one packet of coffee- and make 2 cups with water where ever i end up. I'm having one right now!

    The instant French Vanilla is really good too! That might be my favorite!

  2. Wow that sounds so tasty and a MUCH cheaper alternative! Thanks for sharing!
