Saturday, March 26, 2011

Back to Work

Well, we survived our low budget week pretty nicely. We ended up cashing in a big jar of change, so we could enjoy our last weekend of my maternity leave. We ate out a few times, went to a nice outlet mall in town and got take out with both sets of our parents. Worth every penny!

Amazingly, my 8 week maternity leave is coming to a close. I am of course super sad and a little worried about how I (and my husband and mom who also work and watch the little ones) will manage this new chapter in our lives. That being said, my focus for groceries this week was EASY. I need easy snacks and meals for work, and I really needed to make sure that I left easy breakfast items for the girls. (I accidentally sent my big girl to school without breakfast TWICE this week. I'm still trying to figure out how to fit food in to their morning. Preparation isn't the problem, I'm realizing. The problem is providing enough time for them to actually eat. It takes them FOREVER! This week, I'm making sure I have a few things they can eat in the car on the way to school if necessary.)

I broke this week's groceries in to two quick trips. The first trip was our trip to Price Chopper, which is pictured above. The pre-tax total was $43.22. I saved $52.04. this is one of the best trips I've had in a long time. I made a second trip to Hen House where I picked up a gallon of milk, a package of tortillas, a big tub of Dannon yogurt and 2 lbs of strawberries. My pre-tax total was about $7.

Our meals for this week will include Philadelphia Fettuccine and Mexican Crockpot Chicken. I also have some Confetti Chicken Casserole, Salsa Soup, Enchilada Soup and pumpkin bread that we can dip in to if necessary. I'm not dying to dip in to my freezer stash of stuff, but I have a feeling this next few weeks will be an exercise in "getting by!"


  1. Looks like you did well... good job!

  2. Sounds like a great week! Have you tried breakfast burritos? They can eat them on the go. There are a couple of different ones you can make and keep in the freezer. Yogurt and berry filled ones or scrambled eggs with cheese. Maybe that would work? Have a great week!

  3. Waffles from the freezer are also great for the car. There are all kinds available--cinnamon toast is my daughters favorite.

