Friday, April 15, 2011

Giveaway - Budget Saver Twin Pops!

***CLOSED - All 5 entrants will receive a coupon. If you have not heard from me, it is because I don't have contact for you. Please leave another comment with your email address.***

If you've been a reader for awhile, you know that my kids LOVE popsicles. I use them for all kinds of good behavior bribery around here. I tell you what though, they are typically SO expensive! However, a few weeks ago I discovered a new, AFFORDABLE variety -- Budget $aver Twin Pops! I found them on the verrrrrry bottom of the shelf in the freezer section with the other popsicles. They were kind of hidden! The variety we happened to grab was the Summer Blast, and they were just great. The kids and I loved them! We've also since tried the Banana and Assorted packages, and I'm still impressed! They are so affordable, and the flavors are very refreshing, not heavy and syrupy! I love that I can fit them in to our $50 grocery budget so easily! Plus, there are coupons on their website! How great is that???

Ziegenfelder Budget $aver graciously sent me FIVE! coupons for a free bag of Twin Pops, so I could share the good news about a great product!

To enter this giveaway, you may have one entry for each action,

1. Leave a comment about what flavor variety you would like to try!
2. Subscribe to my feed!
3. Share this giveaway on facebook!
4. Tweet about this giveaway on Twitter!

Just leave a separate comment describing each action.

Giveaway will close at midnight on April 22!


  1. I would love to enter! We love popsicles at our house! :) Erin

  2. We would love to try the Red, White and Blue pops! Yummy!

  3. We like every kind of popsicle at our house. Love to win!

  4. We love banana!!!

  5. Thanks! My email address is

