Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Caramel Apple Crunch

I'm a big fan of the old Snickers Salad with Granny Smith apples, frozen Snickers bars, and Cool Whip, so when I heard someone say the other day that they love Snickers bars melted over apples, I thought, "I can SO do that!" I went out on Saturday night after dinner time to our school's auction on Saturday night, so I made a small little pan as a special treat for my girls to snack on while they watched a movie. Of course, I had to try a taste, and it.was.GOOD.

Here's how I did it,

Ingredients -

2 Granny Smith Apples
1 Snickers bar

Directions -

Chop ingredients. Gentle combine in a mixing bowl. Transfer to a baking dish. Bake in the oven at 350 for 30 minutes or until melted. Top with ice cream and caramel sauce, if you wish!

Peeps, could it be any easier???

See more recipes at


  1. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing. Would love for you to link up:
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Mmmm this sounds so yummy!!! Love the addition of the snickers bars!!!! Yum!!!!

